Chemical Peels & Medical-Grade Skin Care in Calgary

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Indulge in High-Quality
Skin Care

At Ministry of Skin, we focus on the science that leads to beautiful results. That’s why we invest in clinically reviewed technology and products. 

We’re excited to offer AlumierMD products because of their transparent practices and commitment to creating formulas that can really make a difference.

The key to achieving radiant skin is understanding what your skin needs in depth. With a customized approach to beauty and skin wellness, we can help you create a skincare routine that feels luxurious and rejuvenates your skin.

Visit Ministry of Skin for medical-grade peel treatments and skin care.

Medical-Grade: What’s It All About?

Medical-Grade: What’s It All About?

Medical-grade skin care transforms your daily routine by infusing it with purpose. These formulas contain powerful concentrations of active ingredients, elevating the quality. 

Medical-grade skincare products target concerns like acne, dryness, or fine lines, offering a more effective approach to achieving your desired skin goals.

Light & Medium Peel Treatment

Our peel treatment options include light and medium chemical peels, exclusively formulated by AlumierMD.

Light or superficial peels use mild acids to gently exfoliate the epidermis (the outer skin layer), offering a mild but effective treatment for redness, pigmentation, and uneven skin tone.

Medium peels apply a stronger chemical formula to the dermis (middle skin layer). This deeper penetration allows for a more intensive exfoliation, eliminating damaged skin cells, softening fine lines, and brightening complexion.

What to Expect After Your Peel

Initially, your skin may be tender, red, or sun-sensitive while the top layer (epidermis) heals. Remember to apply sun protection regularly during recovery.

A lighter peel might result in slight flaking, whereas a medium-depth peel can cause more visible flaking or exfoliation. 

The gentle process is typically complete after 3–5 days post-treatment, where you’ll see fresh, new skin. Your renewed skin can absorb nutrients and moisture from your home care products more effectively.

Skin Care

AlumierMD is a Canadian-based medical-grade skincare brand. Their approach to skin care is grounded in the philosophy of Clean Science, transparency, and high efficacy standards. 

All AlumierMD products are free of parabens, phthalates, sulfates, dyes, and artificial fragrances. 

We’re proud to offer a brand that champions empowerment through innovation and clinically-tested products designed for corrective and preventive care. 

We use AlumierMD formulations for chemical peel services and offer a curated selection of AlumierMD products.

EverActive is a powerful, multi-award-winning, clinically proven antioxidant serum designed to diminish the visible signs of aging.

The vitamin C crystals are stored in a separate cap, allowing them to be freshly mixed into the serum bottle just before use.

The Ultimate Boost Serum offers a light, hydrating formula that blends moisturizing elements with anti-aging compounds designed to effectively diminish signs of aging.

AluminEye is an award-winning, luxurious, moisturizing eye cream designed to noticeably reduce dark circles, fine lines, and under-eye puffiness.

The Lotus Scrub, featuring lotus seed powder and microcrystalline cellulose, contains biodegradable exfoliants designed to refine, smooth, and enhance skin tone.

Rejuvenate & Refresh Your Skin: Visit Us for Luxury Skin Care

At Ministry of Skin, we’re passionate about elevating your skin care and empowering you to treat your skin with the kindness it deserves. 

Schedule your appointment today to experience a transformative AlumierMD peel treatment or explore our selection of medical-grade skincare products for at-home care.

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