Lumecca IPL in Calgary

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Rejuvenate Radiate Skin with the Power of Light Therapy

We’re dedicated to empowering you with choices that rejuvenate your skin’s natural beauty and restore your youthful vibrance. We’re proud to offer Lumecca IPL—a light-based InMode technology that stands out for its efficacy, safety, and minimal downtime. 

Lumecca IPL leverages an elevated approach to light therapy to target various skin concerns. Whether you’re dealing with discolouration, redness, vascular lesions, visible veins, sun damage, or uneven skin tone, Lumecca offers a personalized solution to revive your skin’s natural luminosity. 

Start your journey to brighter, healthier skin—schedule your session at Ministry of Skin today.

What Sets Lumecca Apart?

What Sets Lumecca Apart?

Intense pulsed light (IPL) uses broad-spectrum light that’s transformed into heat when absorbed by pigmentation or damaged cells in the dermis (middle skin layer).

Lumecca IPL elevates the experience and results by using a more intense light that penetrates deeper into your skin. The powerful Lumecca IPL can achieve results with fewer sessions and a shorter recovery.

Improving Your Skin Tone & Texture with IPL

Lumecca IPL is a versatile treatment that can address various skin concerns, including:

  • Rosacea & redness
  • Enlarged pores 
  • Acne & scarring
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Fine lines
  • Sun damage
  • Freckles & birthmarks
  • Vascular lesions
  • Facial Veins

Your Journey to Radiance: How Lumecca IPL Works

A Lumecca IPL treatment offers ease and efficiency. A session can be as brief as your lunch break, designed to fit seamlessly into your active life.

Your satisfaction is our priority. By understanding the process of your IPL treatment, including preparation and aftercare, we empower you with knowledge for a transformative and positive experience.

Every step of your journey with us is supported by clinically reviewed and medical-grade practices.

For your upcoming Lumecca session, we encourage you to protect your skin by:

  • Avoiding tanning beds and direct sunlight for at least 2 weeks before
  • Discontinuing active topical products (e.g., retinol & acids) for 2–3 days before

Before your session, remove any makeup so we can treat clean skin.

As the pulses of light energy gently interact with your skin, you might experience a sensation of warmth or tingling. Lumecca IPL uses an integrated sapphire cooling tip to help soothe and calm your skin.

Each session is quick, allowing you to return to your daily activities with minimal downtime.

Your skin may appear slightly flushed or red, similar to a mild sunburn. These minor symptoms typically fade within a few hours.

What to Expect After Your Lumecca IPL Treatment

Our team is here to guide you every step of the way to support your comfort and confidence.

You may experience mild flaking, dryness, or a sunburn-like flush, which is a sign of your skin renewing.

These mild symptoms will fade within a few days, revealing a smoother, clearer complexion. Hydration is key—so drink plenty of water and moisturize twice daily.

Each treatment builds upon the previous ones, enhancing your rejuvenation results to gradually improve your skin texture, tone, and overall glow.

Most patients achieve their desired outcomes after 1–3 Lumecca IPL sessions, whereas standard IPL devices typically benefit from 4–6 sessions.

Choose Ministry of Skin for Lumecca IPL Today

Our mission is rooted in empowering you to embrace and love the skin you’re in, treating yourself with the care you deserve.

Using InMode’s Lumecca IPL technology, renowned for its safety and efficacy, we’re committed to delivering an enhanced IPL experience.

Begin your transformation today. Reach out to Ministry of Skin to schedule your session.

Choose Ministry of Skin for Lumecca IPL Today

Our mission is rooted in empowering you to embrace and love the skin you’re in, treating yourself with the care you deserve.

Using InMode’s Lumecca IPL technology, renowned for its safety and efficacy, we’re committed to delivering an enhanced IPL experience.

Begin your transformation today. Reach out to Ministry of Skin to schedule your session.

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