Laser Removal in Calgary

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Smoother, Radiant Skin
with Laser Hair Removal & IPL Skin Rejuvenation

Unwanted hair, hyperpigmentation, and spider veins can be obstacles on your path to smooth, radiant skin. At Ministry of Skin, we want to empower your confidence and help your natural beauty shine.

With Lumecca IPL for breathtaking skin rejuvenation and DiolazeXL for laser hair removal, we’re here to help you easily reach your aesthetic goals.

Join us on a transformative journey with InMode’s innovative technology and our compassionate care, all aimed at enhancing the health and appearance of your skin.

Schedule your DiolazeXL or Lumecca IPL treatment today. 

Why Do We Choose InMode Technology?

Why Do We Choose InMode Technology?

Comfort & versatility with DiolazeXL: DiolazeXL technology integrates a cooling tip to improve comfort during treatment. DiolazeXL is also uniquely suitable for skin types 1 to 6 on the Fitzpatrick scale.

Quicker results with Lumecca IPL: Thanks to the higher intensity energy concentration, Lumecca can achieve noticeable results faster and with fewer treatments than standard IPL technology.

Who Can Benefit from IPL & Laser Removal?

At Ministry of Skin, we believe everyone and every body in every size, shape, colour, and gender deserve self-care. And this is why we love the versatility and inclusivity of InMode technology.

Our IPL and laser treatments are designed to offer long-lasting solutions to unwanted hair and skin blemishes for a wide range of skin types.

Whether you’re looking to simplify your grooming routine with laser hair removal or aiming for a flawless, youthful complexion through skin treatments, our services cater to your unique needs.

Results can differ based on individual skin concerns, the area treated, and your goals. For skin concerns like hyperpigmentation, spider veins, and vascular lesions, IPL treatment tends to be long-lasting, particularly with appropriate aftercare.

We may recommend regular IPL treatments to maintain results.

Laser hair removal offers a long-lasting alternative to traditional plucking, waxing, and shaving. DiolazeXL can target the hair at its root, disrupting the growth cycle and offering a more permanent solution to hair reduction.

Hair growth happens in cycles, so multiple sessions are often necessary to effectively target the root at the right stage.

And with annual touch-ups, you can help keep your skin effortlessly smooth and hair-free.

Renew Your Complexion with Lumecca IPL

Lumecca is an intense pulsed light (IPL) treatment that uses short flashes of high-intensity light. The pigmentation (colour) in your skin absorbs the energy, creating heat that helps break down pigmentation, scar tissue, hair follicles, and vascular lesions.

Over time, your body naturally removes the degraded tissue, revealing clearer, more even-toned skin.

Choose Ministry of Skin for Laser Removal

Empowering your confidence and earning your trust is what we’re all about at Ministry of Skin. We’re your go-to clinic for innovation, transformation, and breathtaking results. 

Our team is here to help make your visit relaxing, seamless, and so good you’ll want to tell your friends.

Reach out to us at Ministry of Skin to book your IPL or laser removal treatment today.

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